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Dealer marketing manager, Monitronics

Dealer marketing manager, Monitronics

Dealer marketing manager, MonitronicsI fell into it from the marketing aspect. I went to the University of Kentucky for marketing and advertising, and then based on that I was looking for a marketing position and found Monitronics. … The opportunity [marketing...

Marketing ROI: Budgeting Your Money Wisely

Marketing ROI: Budgeting Your Money WiselyI started marketing well before the Internet so I have ample experience with marketing strategies whose return on investment is hard to measure. Back then, we still valued analytics, but we learned to make do with reasonable...

Brand Networks Snatches $68 Million in Funding

Brand Networks Snatches $68 Million in FundingStarted back in 2006, Brand Networks began as an organically built and grown business that offers businesses social media marketing solutions via Facebook and the rest. Profitable since nearly day one, the company is...