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Over the last 5 years, I have spent an enormous amount of time studying ways to create easy traffic systems and solutions.  I’ve spent thousands of dollars and put in thousands of hours, [tag]building traffic flow[/tag] to my websites.

While I’ve run across some incredibly effective [tag-tec]traffic strategies[/tag-tec], there is one thing I’ve learned more than anything else – All [tag]sources of traffic [/tag]are not equal.  In fact, I’ve found that the quality and quantity of prospects to your site is directly related to the [tag]traffic strategy[/tag] you use.

When I first started building a [tag]traffic funnel[/tag] to my [tag]Network Opportunity[/tag] site, I looked only for quantity of traffic.  I thought, the more the people; the better result.  While at some level that is correct (and I do continually work on building massive traffic volume), there is a problem in thinking only of volume.  If you are simply focused on bringing masses of people to your site without any concern for the quality of your visitor, you are probably wasting a lot of time and money. 

In my early years of [tag]building traffic[/tag] solutions for my sites, I tried some of those “special deals” where they promise thousands of visitors to your site.  At the time, I really wasn’t thinking about my [tag]target market[/tag], because I was just focused on getting massive numbers of people.  In my ignorance, I was excited to pay their fee in order to get “fifty thousand” visitors in a week.  

I quickly learned that traffic from that source, is garbage.  In fact, the scam I fell for was probably not real traffic at all.  I’m pretty sure it was simply a script that gave the illusion of visitors in my log files.  Either way, I wasted my money and time.   I see it much like the food at a $3.99 buffet in Orlando, Florida.  You get the appearance of plenty, but the quality is disgusting (and you’ll probably end up sick later on).

In the last six months as I was doing some additional research for my [tag-ice]Easy Traffic 101 [/tag-ice]course, I tried another of those [tag]instant traffic[/tag] sites that promises massive visitors.  I just wanted to see if the quality of traffic had improved over the last 5 years. 

I can tell you, the results are still the same.  Out of 5,000 “visitors” I didn’t get a single prospect to opt-in.  Considering that I have a 6% conversion on the normal traffic that comes to the site, I think that tells me all I ever need to know. 

So… from my experiences I’ve developed some simple rules that I follow.  I won’t list them all here, but I will share a couple.

*  If you are looking for quality prospects for your opportunity, you need to have a quality site and sound traffic strategy.  People who drive a Lexus, do not generally want to travel on a gravel road to get to their destination.  They also don’t want to go into bad neighborhoods. Getting financially strong prospects will mean building good roads to your website.

*  Do not waste money on “instant” traffic (unless you have the money to purchase quality advertising through a respectable source).  If you are looking for immediate solutions to your [tag]traffic flow[/tag], you’re probably not going to find a system that will produce the quality results you want.  A long-term [tag]easy traffic[/tag] strategy will take some time to develop, but will pay a huge reward for those who are willing to put forth the effort.

* Building a stable source of quality [tag]targeted traffic[/tag] will require a good quality traffic funnel.  A good site with regularly updated good content, will attract quality visitors and customers.  You can’t expect to get quality prospects if you put out garbage to attract them.

There are certainly many other rules that I use as I build a traffic funnel to attract trageted visitors to my sites.  The bottom line for me is:  Resist the temptation to spend money on [tag]traffic generation[/tag] tricks that promise results that are too good to be true.  The reality is – they probably are.         Â