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I have shared a lot of information on how to build a [tag]traffic funnel[/tag] using free and low-cost tools.  Of course, when you talk about [tag-ice]free traffic[/tag-ice] most people think of developing a higher page ranking so your site is listed higher in the Search Engines.  With a higher placement, obviously, you will get more traffic from people searching particular keywords or keyword phrases.

While it is certainly true that you can get a [tag]large volume of traffic[/tag] from strategic Search Engine placement, I for one do not want to rely exclusively on the Search Engines for my [tag]site traffic[/tag].  Search Engines can be very fickled at times and can quickly change the success of your [tag]traffic flow[/tag] simply by where they determine to place your site in their rankings.  I don’t want to be dependent on any single entity for my traffic.

So, my easy traffic solution is multi-faceted approach.  I certainly want the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AskJeeves, etc) to recognize my sites as important enought to rise in their rankings.  My job is to make sure that my [tag]site content is interesting[/tag], exclusive, and relevant, so that I can expect to get rewarded by the Search Engines.  After all, they are simply looking to provide their searchers with valuable sites to visit.  I just have to make sure to provide quality content.

But [tag-tec]Search Engine traffic[/tag-tec] is not my only [tag]source of traffic[/tag].  In fact, I don’t even want it to be my main source.  My goal for each of my sites is to build a network of referrals that send people streaming to my site.  One way I do that is by becoming active in Social Bookmarking Communities.  As I participate in those Communities, I am able to naturally refer people to my site(s), and of course, I visit theirs. 

Social Bookmarking sites are becoming increasingly important on the web today, and are great for interaction.  The traffic I get from my involvement with bookmarking sites grows every day, and especially as I become more involved. 

Here’s an excellent resource that lists 79 Social Networking sites

The bottom line is… [tag]Traffic should flow naturally[/tag].  Do not focus on building your site around the requirements of the Search Engines, rather, focus on putting good content that people will want to read.  That will create a natural traffic flow that will often come from visitor referrals.  Join some social Bookmarking sites that appeal to you, and become an active participant in their community.  You’ll enjoy your participation, and will get lots of easy traffic from your new friends.