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If you have been on the planet for more than 5 minutes, you’ll probably relate to this post.  Every day (actually every hour), I get an e-mail from someone who wants me to send them my money.  They are pushing their product or opportunity and somehow they assume it will cure all of my pains and frustrations.  They push their opportunity with hype and outright lies.

They tell me their product will enable me to run faster and jump higher (I’ve been a victim of “the pitch” for a long time), and… it will also make me rich in the process.  What an incredible concept!  It will heal my body, and heal my wallet – all in one swoop!

Unfortunately, most of the things I get pitched on is just plain garbage.

I’ve been involved with some great [tag-self]Network Marketing opportunities[/tag-self] that offered some legitimate products.  In fact, I got involved with the company because I fell in love with the product – not because it offered an opportunity to [tag-self]earn some money[/tag-self].  The product provided a benefit that I was looking for.  Once I found the benefit to be legitimate, well, a natural marketer was born.  I wanted to share the product with those I love.

You see, many of the marketers who blast me with their kindergarten marketing strategy, really do not have a long-term business model.  They are trying to run a marathon by trying to sprint ahead of everyone else.  They have a very simple strategy of recruiting people with a “hype message”, and hope that enough will stick around so they can profit.  What a waste of time!

Hype will never be a legitimate business model.  It is a short-term strategy that victimizes a “quick-fix” culture.   Just like the current economic collapse, it will ultimately bring failure.

Those who understand Network Marketing, know that recruits usually pattern their marketing strategy after the person who recruited them.  If their sponsor recruited them with hype, they will likely use that same flawed approach to get people to join with them.  The lies are perpetuated – and the credibility of the product or opportunity, is further destroyed.

If you are interested in a long-term [tag-self]residual income business[/tag-self], avoid using hype as the base for your marketing message.  If you take the hype out of your marketing message and then realize you do not have anything with substance, find another opportunity and product.