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The Internet has been a boon to many businesses, but network marketing is one of the few businesses that have really taken full advantage of the Internet. The reason for this is that network marketing is a business that is centered around the people and their relationships. In order to be successful in this type of business, it is important to know how to build a relationship with your prospects. Here are some tips on how you can build a relationship with your prospects:

1. You must understand that building a relationship with your prospects means that you need to get to know them better. One of the best ways to do this is by asking questions. When you ask questions, you will find out more about what your prospect is interested in and you will also be able to determine if they have any questions that you can answer. This is an excellent way to build trust and rapport with your prospects.

2. You should also make sure that you are giving your prospects value. It is very easy to give away free stuff and try to sell your products, but if you want to build a long term business, you need to give your prospects something that is of value to them. If you don’t have anything to offer your prospects, then you need to look into finding out what they would like to know. This will help you to be able to provide them with valuable information.

3. You should always be willing to give your prospects honest feedback. If you don’t want to tell your prospects the truth, then you shouldn’t start a business. Your goal is to build a long term relationship with your prospects and you should never lie to them. If you do, then your prospects will not trust you and they will lose interest in working with you.

4. You should also be willing to take time to answer your prospects’ questions. You should be prepared to spend time answering your prospects’ questions. If you have nothing to say, then you won’t be able to build a good relationship with your prospects. You should always be prepared to give your prospects answers to their questions.

5. You should also be willing and able to spend time with your prospects. If you don’t have time to talk to your prospects, then you shouldn’t even consider starting a business. Your goal is not only to build a long term relationship, but you also need to make sure that you are building a strong relationship with your prospects.

These are just a few tips on how you can build relationships with your prospects. There are other tips as well, so make sure to keep reading.