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If you are in the Network Marketing industry and are expecting to make great money as a Network Marketer, you’re going to have a few obstacles to overcome. If you can handle a couple of difficult adjustments, you will significantly increase your chances for success. The fact is, many people are simply unable to get beyond their fears – so they just quit the industry.

Properly handling rejection is one of the main issues that hinder people from success in Network Marketing. Many people simply can’t handle rejection, and become a casualty of their own fears.

Let’s talk about how to separate the rejection of your business proposal from personal rejection

A lot of Network Marketers – especially the ones that are just starting out – fall flat on their face simply because they do not know how to take rejection in the right manner. It is an absolute fact: Rejection is something that is GOING TO HAPPEN when you are prospecting someone with your MLM opportunity. However, the thing you must realize here is what the rejection really means.

In most cases, the rejection is likely about your business opportunity and not about you. When someone you are meeting with shoots down the idea you are telling them about the network marketing business you are in, they are not rejecting you personally. In all probability, they are quite comfortable with you as a person, but they are not too happy with the idea you are promoting.

If you keep this in your mind, it will probably help your confidence and enable you to improve your presentation – which will increase your conversions. If you will take the time to really think things through, you will realize that even though you have a fantastic product, not everyone will recognize the value of that product. Just consider that you probably just have better taste than your prospect :).

The other thing is, you need to strongly consider that Network Marketing is a numbers game. When you start earning some cash in the industry, you will realize what the strength of numbers will mean to your success. That realization will take away much of the rejection issue.

Consider this…
even if a ninety people in a hundred reject your offer, there will be ten who will likely have an interest in what you are promoting. And, if you can get those ten people registered for your opportunity, those ten people can absolutely make you RICH. The question is, are you really ready to weed through the 90 negative “bad taste” people to find your stellar prospects?

When you started with your network marketing business, you must have promoted the concept primarily among your family members and your friends. Think about it now – did everyone of them join into your idea – or did they just join because of their relationship with you? Certainly, your relationship had a lot to do with their decision – but, the reality is they trusted your recommendation. So, the people who did not wish to be a part of the MLM, did they reject you or did they reject the MLM you were promoting?

Naturally, they rejected your opportunity and did not slam you personally. This is how it works with strangers who you will ultimately approach as a prospect. They will not be thrilled with your Network Marketing deal, but they will have no problems with you as a person. A hint is… take a little extra time to build a relationship, and you will be able to convert a higher percentage of your prospects.

So, what’s the solution?
One solution would be to change your tactics and learn from the rejections. Ask questions that will help you improve on future presentations. You will improve as you continue explaining the opportunity.

Another thing to do is to spend a little more time getting to know the prospect, and perhaps ask for one more meeting with them – a short one probably. You’ll likely want to really put the key points across and better explain the product and opportunity. Or, test different approaches of explanation. Perhaps carry more written and digital information about the venture when you go prospecting and hand it over to them to read at their leisure. This will help them get acquainted with the whole thing and they might begin to see it in a new light.

The next time someone rejects your MLM proposal, do not get all worked up and decide to quit. You have to learn to be persistent, and overcome the fear of rejection. Work on your presentation, and try to present the opportunity in a better way until your prospects can see the benefits for themselves. Too many people quit the industry before they really give themselves the chance for victory.

Don’t be a pansy! Go find the ten people who will make you rich.