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I get so tired of hearing all the propaganda about how we are in such dire times.  If you read the papers or listen to the news, you know what I’m talking about.  It seems we are under a constant attack by people who want to alter our perceptions into believing there is no hope.

That’s garbage!

Certainly, we are in difficult economic times and good people are hurting.  But the reality is, there are many savvy individuals who are having more success than ever before.  The sharp marketers have established a mindset that will endure regardless of the circumstances that surround them.

This year, in spite of the economic climate, I predict there will be a record breaking number of successful Network Marketing entrepreneurs created.  I also believe internet marketers will build vast empires, because the flood of traffic created by people searching for new home-business opportunities.

Will you be one of them?  Really, the choice is yours.

The times are ripe for your success.

Let me give a few suggestions…

First, I would encourage you to honestly evaluate your belief system in how you view your own success.   By that I mean – do you honestly believe that you can earn a “BIG” income?  Do you know that you can be  a leader in your Network Marketing company?

Everyone has a different opinion of what big is, so it is really up to you to define.   Since it’s a New Year, I certainly encourage you to upgrade your belief to a place that will stretch you a bit.

As you begin to really evaluate your beliefs and establish your goals for your growth, you also may want to consider your relationships.  It may seem strange, but the reality is – those who speak into your life are having a direct influence into your success.

Statistics show that your income is directly relative to the people you hang around and are associated with.  Your income is usually an average of the incomes of the 5 people you are closest to.

Some of us have listened to the “nay-sayer’s” for so long that our belief in our ability to achieve great success is damaged.  You’ve heard it just like I have… “You can’t make money with those type programs”.   Negative comments have created doubts in our minds and have hindered us from really pushing our success to the limit.  My advice is to drop the dead-beats, and surround yourself with successful people who want you to succeed as well.

Final point…  The choices you make, will help determine your level of success.  If you choose to believe that you will earn a huge income, you WILL!