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BlogTalkRadio is an awesome service, and can send you lots of free traffic if you know what to do. First of all, let’s talk about what blog talk radio is exactly…

Talk radio has been around for decades allowing people to express themselves via radio stations. Traditional talk radio seems to be centered around politics with both liberal and conservative talk radio shows on dozens of radio stations. For example Rush Limbaugh is a famous conservative radio personality, and the program Air America represents listeners with a more liberal point of view.

The interesting thing about blog talk radio is that it is not limited to politics. Yes, there are traditional radio programs that discuss subjects outside of politics, but blog talk radio shows cover such an extensive variety of interests it is not hard to find something that interests you. There are various sites that allow users to connect to blog talk radio stations, probably the most noteworthy is, for obvious reasons. On this site users can watch, listen, and even create their very own talk show. The site states that as a user you can, “Record your own talk show using just a phone and computer. Share it as a podcast. All free.” There are also ways to stay connected with people online that become interested in your show, or share similar interests with you. According to the site, “All members can add friends and favorites and rate shows.”

Blog talk radio is a more interactive approach to the radio experience when compared to traditional talk radio programs. A blog talk radio host can take phone calls, read blogs, watch vlogs, and create vlogs so they can communicate more effectively with their audience. Traditional talk radio programs are limited to audio communication, which singles out some people. Some people are intimidated when calling into a radio station. Understandably, being “on-air live” can do this to some of us, but talk radio hosts can also be difficult to confront verbally because they are such effective speakers. Blogging and vlogging allows people to express their opinions without “choking up on-air”, or being cut off by an overzealous radio host.

A blog talk radio host can also demonstrate a certain task through a live video stream (or a vlog), which they would be incapable of doing with conventional radio. This is very useful for shows that deal with complex tasks such as, cooking or automobile repair, allowing the host to give a better presentation of the task at hand.

The bottom line is, Blog Talk Radio is an excellent way to connect with a network of people who share a targeted interest in your niche. By sharing content via blog talk radio, you are able to draw a tremendous audience – and drive traffic to your site and/or opportunity.