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Providing good quality relevant content is one of the keys to getting traffic the Search Engines to notice you, and to share your site with their searching customers.  Conversely, if you want the search engines to share the traffic wealth, you better write interesting and compelling articles filled with relevant content.

Now, writing articles isn’t just about throwing some words together on the topic and putting a few paragraphs together.  In addition to having organized thoughts, you also need to focus on the keywords within the article and the density of those keywords within the article body.

If you want to learn how to write keyword density articles, let’s look at a couple points.  Articles that meet the density rules for keywords get better rankings on the search engine results pages and therefore, more visitors to the website containing the article.

It is not difficult to write keyword dense articles nor is it hard to learn how. There are simple rules to follow, largely based on the techniques for getting a great ranking in Google’s search engine.

It is fortunate that most other search engines, while not usually as sophisticated as Google, are usually happy with the keyword articles written to these guidelines.

Keyword density optimized articles usually have a density rate of about 4% for the primary keyword.  If you have more than 5% density, you will be penalized by the search engines.

There are tools to help you learn what your keyword density is in any article. Textalyser is one example, but there are many, many others.  Simply go to a search engine and search on the phrase “free keyword density checker” and you’ll find many results.  Choose one that you like and use it to check the density of keywords so you know how to adjust articles for the best optimization.

A great keyword density technique is to use keyword variations. You should also realize that you can use the different words of a keyword phrase mixed with other words in between and still have it recognized by the search engines as a keyword phrase, provided it is identified as a keyword in your meta-tags.

With millions of pages on the Internet today, learning how to write keyword density articles can make all the difference in whether your website is a big hit or a total failure.  Whether you market something or simply provide information along with the use of advertising to support your overhead, unless your content is written with keyword density in mind, no one will know how to find your articles.